Knowing my sip of Coffee

Ashwitha Preethi
4 min readFeb 8, 2021



Have you ever fallen in love with something or someone and then you were like when did this all begin, exactly when…
I felt the same way for many things in my life... I still have no answer for many beginnings yet I would at least like to know about them.

So here I’m to draft what I found about my everyday sips of Coffee.

Being grateful may be a bit late in my life…this time it’s too late thank you ‘the Ethiopian legend’ -Kalid — who discovered coffee.

The story goes like this... Kalid was a goat herder, one day he found his goats being more energetic than usual after having certain kinds of berries out there, and they were also not willing to sleep that night. Having found a weird thing, he shared this with the abbot of his local monastery(head of monks at his local place). The abbot then made juice out of those red berries and used it for long prayers to stay alert along with other monks. The place where this happened is ‘Ethiopian plateau’, now you would have got how kalid got that honor.

From here, the coffee spread to various places including the Arabian Peninsula where they began to consider coffee as the ‘wine of Araby’.

The birth of the coffee bean

Coffee beans are actually the seeds of Coffee berries which are extracted and roasted to use them. The two important coffee species:

  • Coffea Arabica
  • Coffea Robusta(Canephora)
Have a coffee and get active

Coming to the reason why we won’t tend to sleep as usual when we have coffee is …. Any guess!...before I tell the reason, let’s know why we feel sleepy...

Our body produces chemical molecules called ‘Adenosine’ which has a control on the activity of the brain and it also sends signals to the brain on when to sleep. The interesting thing here is.. the caffeine molecule and Adenosine molecule look a lot similar and this way caffeine tricks the brain by getting attached to receptors by blocking adenosine molecules. Anyway, this sleepiness blocking goes away as the caffeine content wears off in the body.


Facts and Myths of Coffee

To list all the facts and myths of coffee would take a lot of scrolls. So, I will list those which caught my eye.

Myth: Coffee causes dehydration no it doesn’t…there were many contradictions, but the truth is you may feel dehydrated if you consume more than 4 cups of coffee a day because of the diuretic effect that caffeine causes yet fewer cups or lower caffeine coffee are considered as hydrating drinks.

Myth: Coffee helps to lose weight not much Due to the metabolism, appetite-reducing, and high blood pressure effects of caffeine it is believed so but in the long run, as we depend on caffeine, we may become less caffeine sensitive. This is why coffee alone cannot become a weight loss diet.

Myth: Coffee is addictivenot so…too much coffee may become addictive as you consume yet unlike other addictions, the coffee addiction break may take 2–3 days of strong withdrawal effects and gets completely out of it within 7 -12 days.

Now, few facts on coffee:

Coffee lifts the mood — Coffee stimulates Dopamine release and it also has its way to reduce stress, which in turn lifts the mood… a regular daily dose of coffee can also reduce the depression risk.

Caffeine may lower insulin sensitivity — This reduces the sugar absorption from blood each time you eat or drink lowering the risk of type -2 diabetics.

Coffee has a protective effect on the liver — the caffeine we consume produces paraxanthine chemical which reduces the growth of scar tissues in the liver and also coffee lowers the harmful liver enzymes in blood which reduces liver cancer risk.


And time for some disadvantages of coffee …..Nope! before you have your delicious sip of coffee I don’t wanna down the mood by listing them, rather let me end this way… Consuming anything(drink, food, work or even creating something) on high will have its bad sides. So know how sensitive you are to coffee to have all its benefits and even if you are not that sensitive, it is considered it is okay to consume 3 cups of coffee per day that doesn’t harm you much.

To avoid coffee addiction in the first place have these delicious cups of coffee once in a while (I would suggest thrice a week).

Thanking the coffee and you for taking some time for my article. Hoping my coffee will be reborn whenever I need it, I will end it here and will come with some new articles now and then.

